The New Health


Our mission is to change perceptions and lives by advancing knowledge and access to psychedelic mental health care.

We support 5 projects

1. Five people to heal

A transformative video series showcasing the potential of psychedelics in mental health treatment. Following the healing journeys of 5 individuals with mental disorders.

2. Free Masterclass

A 10-part masterclass series on the safe use of psychedelics for healing. Educating viewers on how to use and approach psychedelic experiences safely.

3. Podcast: Stories

A lighter, weekly stand-alone podcast series, sharing original healing stories from people who actually healed. To normalize and promote understanding of psychedelics.

4. The New Health Day

An offline full-day conference, premiering in Berlin on April 05th. To establish an annually recurring event to showcase the latest advancements in the field.

5. PTSD stand-alone study

Facilitating a study on psychedelic treatment for war veterans suffering from PTSD. Overseen by a oversight by a Ministry of Defense doctor, this will introduce psychedelic therapies into governmental mental health programs.

Here you can directly support us

Why the Medusa?

  • Medusa’s story is one of profound transformation. Her myth reflects pain, misunderstanding, and eventual liberation—much like the journey faced by those battling addiction and mental health challenges. The paralysis symbolized in her gaze parallels the stagnation of addiction, while we provide the tools to break free and heal.

    Just as Medusa's narrative evolves, we empower individuals to rewrite their own stories through innovative approaches like psychedelic therapy.

  • Historically, Medusa has been a symbol of strength and protection. Her image was often used as a talisman to ward off harm. For us, she represents the sanctuary we strive to create—a safe, nonjudgmental space where people can find support, understanding, and empowerment. By confronting stigma and fear, we guide individuals to reclaim their inner power and take charge of their recovery.

  • Medusa’s ability to protect is central to her symbolism and aligns with our commitment to shielding individuals from the prejudice often associated with addiction and mental illness. Her snakes, symbols of renewal and interconnectedness, mirror the journey of shedding old burdens and embracing a new, empowered self. We aim to be a protective guide, helping individuals navigate their paths to healing with dignity and care.

Your help save lives.

Psychedelic treatments save lives, daily. People just don’t know about it yet. We are changing that.